grow your own way

relational, embodied therapy

affordable therapy toronto university students west end relational embodied growth mental health u of t anxiety depression

"There's always a reality in what you are doing

Sometimes it's so hard to see which one is the true one"

These lyrics embody my approach to questions of growth and healing. Whatever roads we find ourselves on contain both magnificent possibilites and immense challenges. While our lives have brought differents levels of pain and love, stress and security, we all encounter rough, tender edges of ourselves in the world and yearn for something new. If you're here, I imagine you are deep in this yearning.

As a Gestalt therapist, I support your innate capacity to heal and grow. I believe touching on what is opens into what can be. I also believe that new, transformative experiences are constantly available if we can tolerate them. In therapy, the relationship between you and I can provide those new experiences, whether it's listening with curiosity and care, seeing something you never saw, or challenging a fixed viewpoint. 

A spirit of experimentation, in therapy session and out, also gives these vital sparks. Trying something new, like self-compassion, somatic sensing, speaking in metaphor, and endless others, lets us touch ways of being that previous experience restricted, repressed, or shamed. By touching and getting familiar with new terrain that attracts you, different choices become possible.